I was invited down to the filming for Season 3 of Eat St at the Gorilla Cheese NYC truck yesterday, and it was a lot of fun.

I got a nice amount of camera time, including some with James, the owner.  But it’s tough to compete with 4 cute women eating grilled cheese and laughing and giggling most of the time.  If I was the director and had to choose between the women above and me, it would be me on the cutting room floor.

It was still worth it, because I got to eat a great grilled cheese sandwich.

I ordered the triple-cream brie, proscuitto and strawberry preserves on French bread ($8.50).

The contrast between the creaminess of the brie, the saltiness of the proscuitto and the fruity sweetness of the strawberry jam are a killer combo.  And it was on perfectly grilled, buttery bread.

What more can you ask for?

If you’re available today, there’s still one more chance to be filmed for Season 3 of Eat St.  They will be at Papa Perrone’s truck today on 55th St between 5th & Madison Ave.  I won’t be able to make it to this shoot, but Papa Perrone’s Sicilian rice balls are delicious, so go and enjoy!

Season 2 of Eat St. is currently being shown in Canada, but has not aired in the US yet.  We will let you know when that occurs.