Portland is one of the leaders in the street food movement with 696 (!) food carts licensed – but they recently reversed course on the issue of granting liquor licenses to food carts.
After moving forward on this idea, the City Council passed a resolution earlier this week asking the OLCC to postpone granting liquor licenses to food carts. The City wants clear definitions and rules to be made first. Mayor Sam Adams, a big supporter of foods carts, was one the biggest critics.
From FM News KXL 101: Mayor Adams said: “I have grave concerns about this proposal. We are spread thin as it is. And to spread thin further, its a real problem for us as were also looking at budget cuts, as were also dealing with gang violence it will inherently make our job harder”.
Admas wasn’t the only one concerned about Portland’s food carts handing out beer either. City Commissioner Randy Leonard said “How do you feel about somebody right next door with no wall between you and them and having people popping down beer until midnight”
Commissioner Amanda Fritz says The OLCC needs to slow down and have rules, actual rules, that are enforceable. The OLCC says applications for food carts have been taken off their agenda for hearings that start Thursday.
NYC granted liquor licenses to two food trucks at the former Tavern on the Green site, but that location is now closed, and we haven’t heard of anyone else getting one.
Street food will always be a poor stepchild to restaurants without the ability to serve at least beer and wine with food. When restaurants complain about food trucks stealing their business, it’s not like you can have a beer with a burger from a food truck…yet.