Dessert Alert: Cinnamon Snail Donuts For 15 Cents

Crullers (top) Not Included (credit: New York Street Food)

Cinnamon Snail Donuts, today only, are going to be served for 15 cents each, in celebration of hitting 15,000 likes on facebook. Now that’s an offer you can’t refuse!

Click through for where the truck will be, what flavors they will have, and of course, the fine print.

The Cinnamon Snail Donuts will be at 55th & Broadway today, and will have the following donut flavors:

  • maple glazed with toasted coconut
  • brown sugar beer glazed
  • traditional apple cider
  • fresh strawberry glazed
  • plain glazed
  • passionfruit glazed
  • raspberry blackout
  • chocolate glazed
  • chocolate cookie glazed, and
  • coconut thai basil.

There is a limit of 6 per customer at $.15 each, but they will have all of the rest of their donuts and pastries available at normal prices.

What! No Hulk Hogan Transvestite Fudgy Wudgies?

(credit: NYSF)
Hulk Hogan Transvestite Fudgy Wudgy (credit: NYSF)