The Link Between Marijuana Use and Appetite

The Link Between Marijuana Use and Appetite
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

The ability of marijuana to boost appetite has been discussed for several centuries. In the past, many users claimed that it made them feel hungry and increased their craving for food. In recent times, this claim has been proven to be true through research and scientific evidence

Scientists report the effect is caused by a cannabinoid known as Dronabinol or Marinol contained in the marijuana plant. The same chemical is used to suppress vomiting and nausea during chemotherapy and when treating other conditions. 

Marijuana use increases the craving for food

A report by Medical News Today shows that marijuana can be used as a remedy to increase appetite. The report says THC in the plant stimulates CB1 receptors in the brain and causes them to produce Ghrelin and leptin, the hunger hormones. Naturally, the human body contains cannabinoid receptors. Marijuana also contains cannabinoids that attach themselves to human cannabinoids and thus boost their response rate. 

Many marijuana users do not read to know how their favorite products affect their appetite. To bust the myths, collects information on a consistent basis. It uses that to keep cannabis users informed. Nature Neuroscience reports that marijuana controls the brain to think that the user is starving and thus triggers hunger hormones. 

In another report by GoodRx Health, THC in marijuana makes the user feel like food tastes better and they could eat more. The report says this is one of the reasons CBD is prescribed to people suffering from loss of appetite. The loss could be caused by conditions such as HIV, cancer, and other types of diseases associated with massive loss of weight. 

Cannabis absorption rate and its effect on appetite

Different cannabis products are absorbed at different rates in the body. For instance, inhaled and smoked products get absorbed into the body at a higher rate, but their effect lasts for fewer hours. The user could feel hungry only for about 3 to 4 hours. Products consumed through ingestion take a longer time to get absorbed, but the effect lasts for many hours. The user could feel hungry for many hours. 

Increase in metabolism rate to leave users hungry

Healthline reports that marijuana may help increase metabolism. It affects the Thyroid hormone, which is responsible for regulating metabolism. The National Institutes of Health report that the hormone controls the use of energy in the body. When an individual attains a higher metabolism rate, they continue burning calories both when at rest and when active. 

It leaves them hungry and with a strong appetite to eat more food. In a report by The Permanente Journal, THC and CBD impact enzymes known as cytochrome p450 isoenzymes. They are responsible for the synthesis and burning of food in the body. 

Marijuana increases the activity of the chemicals in the digestive system, which leads to quicker breaking down of food both in the digestive system and the bloodstream. The user feels hungry at a faster rate. 

Do THC or CBD levels affect the impact of appetite?

There is a wide variety of marijuana strains that come with different levels of THC and CBD. It might help to look at to understand the various strains and their concentration percentages. People feel hungry because their stomachs are empty. After digesting most of the food, the brain releases hunger hormones into the blood, and the individual feels hungry. 

Some individuals might not feel hungry even on an empty stomach due to various health conditions. People have used marijuana for many centuries to increase their appetite. It is only recently that science has helped extract specific compounds from the plant. When someone consumes marijuana with 28% THC or CBD, for instance, the effect will be different from a product with 45% cannabinoids. 

When the levels of marijuana are higher, there will be more cannabinoids which cause the brain to release more hunger hormones. Their metabolism increases, too, and they burn calories at a higher level. The user will feel hungrier, and they could eat more. The level of appetite is directly related to the amount of marijuana consumed. 

Relationship between weight loss and appetite: The marijuana factor

Healthline says there is a link between weight loss and appetite. In most cases, many people believe that increased appetite always causes weight gain. On the contrary, it may cause weight loss. To increase appetite and lose weight at the same time, an individual needs to increase the production of thyroids which increases the burning of fats. If it remains active, the body increases appetite but also quickly burns calories. 

When thyroids are underactive, an individual attains low metabolism, which could lead to weight gain, depression, and irritation. When consumed, the cannabinoids in marijuana limit the activities of the HPA glands. Due to this, the hypothalamic hormone triggers the production of thyroid hormones at higher levels. The individual attains higher metabolism and burns calories at a higher level while increasing appetite at the same time. 

Does an increase in appetite from marijuana benefit the body in any way?

Many people suffer from appetite due to various medical conditions such as HIV, cancer, the common cold, diabetes, and heart diseases. It may come with additional problems such as vomiting, nausea, muscle weakness, and low energy. Loss of appetite is serious and could cause many health challenges. 

One of the effective remedies is the use of marijuana. It can help suppress vomiting and nausea and increase the desire for food. People suffering from anxiety, depression, and stress may lose their appetite and eat less. Marijuana helps suppress feelings and increase the desire for food. An increase in appetite due to marijuana use is beneficial to the health of an individual. 

Keeping a balance between appetite and the amount of food consumed

Even though marijuana increases appetite, users need to have control over the amount of food they take. Too much food might have negative effects on the body, such as an increase in sugar levels and weight. 

Users need to drink a lot of water to help release excess sugar through urine. It might help to consume marijuana with lower THC levels and to take a smaller amount at a time. They may also try out different marijuana products. 


Research has linked marijuana use to an increase in appetite. The cannabinoids in marijuana interact with the cannabinoids in the body, which cause the brain to release more hunger hormones. The brain also releases hormones for the metabolism, which helps burn more calories and makes the user crave food.