The latest dessert cart coming to New York is Cake & Shake. They are paying big bucks for licenses from the city for 2 different locations: one in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and one in Washington Square Park. Cake & Shake will pay the city $108,000 a year for the museum spot, going up 10% each year. The Washington Square Park spot will net the city $27,000 in the first year with a 5% annual increase. The carts will be powered by solar panels and bio-diesel fuel.
Cake & Shake will have 5 different cupcakes each day from a rotating cast of 20, as well as shakes made with real fruit. Some of the cupcakes are meals in themselves, with fillings like ham, sausage, chicken and turkey, and they will all be organic. Cake & Shake will offer $3 confections like the London Lilly (Earl Grey teacake with sarsaparilla mousse) and the Whatchamacallit (caramel mousse and nougat frosting). Gina Ojile, who with her partner chef, Derek Hunt, is testing recipes and preparing to launch the carts from a commercial bakery in Astoria, Queens.
The Washington Square Park cart should be in operation at the end of the month, and museumgoers can expect their own cart there two months later. [Daily News]