New Pad Thai Cart Goes With The Name “Muay Thai”

(credit: The Thai Elephant)
(credit: Michael H.)

We recently told you about a tasty new pad thai cart that was only 2 days old, with the proprietor telling us it did not have a name yet. Looks like our little brainstorming session worked.

Kicking names around, the owner Arthur came up with Muay Thai, and we told him that we loved it. Now the cart has reappeared with the new name, sign, and location too. For those who don’t know, Muay Thai is a martial art from Thailand.

Thanks to Michael H., who spotted the cart this morning on the south side of 48th Street, just west of Park Ave. We will be stopping by again today or tomorrow for lunch.

We also noticed the sign says Muay Thai, Thai Street Food by Tuk Tuk Boy. Guess they are affiliated with the Tuk Tuk Boy Thai cart on West 50th St.

Nice job on the new sign Arthur. That’s a kickass photo!

(credit: NYSF)