When free tickets for The Great Googa Mooga festival were distributed online a few weeks ago, it turned into a major clusterf__.  We were in line for tickets at least 5 times, then couldn’t complete the transaction, spending more than an hour trying to get tickets.

That night, we received an email from the ticket company with our confirmation of 4 tickets for Sunday, May 20th.  Guess they just had a little bit of catching up to do.

After all that sturm und drang, we just found out that we have to be in Massachussetts that weekend for a family event.  Well, our loss is your gain!

Click through to find out how you can win 2 tickets to The Great Googa Mooga from New York Street Food.

Spanning across Prospect Park’s Nethermead area, GoogaMooga will host approximately 75 food and drink vendors that includes the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck, Luke’s Lobster, tons of top-notch restaurants, and dozens of breweries and wineries.

Although we cannot attend this event, we would still like to feature two reviews on New York Street Food, one for food and one for drinks.

If you would be willing to take some photos and write up your experience at Googa Mooga, we would like to publish your review of the event on NYSF as a Guest Review.

You don’t have to be a professional writer or photographer.  Showing your passion for food and drink, but not taking things too seriously, and still having a sense of humor, are the most important things to us.

To win 2 tickets to the Great Googa Mooga, all you have to do is send an email to [email protected] with Googa Mooga Food or Googa Mooga Drink in the subject line.  Tell us why you would be a good choice to be our Guest Reviewer for either the food or drink section.  We will select one person to write about their food experience and one to write about their (responsible) drinks experience.

With over 75 food vendors and dozens of beer & wine vendors, there is no way to try them all, nor would we ask you to.  We just want to hear about your experience at the festival.  Please note that tickets are free, but food and drink is pay-as-you-go.  You will be responsible for paying for your own food and drink.

A few items of business:

  • Emails must be received by noon this Sunday (4/8) so we can review them and pick 2 winners by Monday morning;
  • Two winners will be chosen to receive two tickets each by New York Street Food at its sole discretion;
  • You must be 21 or over and be able to attend the festival on Sunday, May 20th;
  • Once you receive the ticket codes, you must register by Friday, April 20th.
  • Your review should be submitted as soon as possible after the event, but not later than the following day (Monday, May 21st) at noon.
  • Quality is far more important than quantity, but if you’re looking for guidelines, around 500-750 words is fine.

For more information on The Great Googa Mooga, click here.

Good luck all!