Steak sandwich

When I’ve had lunch from Carnegie John’s cart in the past, I saw other people ordering steak platters or sandwiches and they looked pretty good.  You would think that steak from a street cart would be tough or fatty, but the thing that makes Carnegie John’s cart stand out from the pack is the quality of the meat, whether it’s whole chicken breast or rib-eye steak, both put on the grill right in front of your eyes, then sliced up for the sandwich or platter.

I ordered the rib-eye steak sandwich with everything except tomato, plus white sauce and hot sauce.  As long as you don’t’ expect steakhouse quality steaks, you should enjoy this sandwich.

As I said, he puts it on the grill and slices it right there.  No shredded steak here, although it did come with shredded lettuce, grilled onions and peppers, and the sauces.  Not one bite was tough or fatty.  The only disappointment was the hot sauce, which was not hot at all.  If Carnegie John could kick up his hot sauce a bit, this would be the perfect street steak sandwich, and at $5.50, it’s a good deal as well.  For the newbies, Carnegie John’s cart is right behind Carnegie Hall, on West 56th St, just east of 7th Ave.

Steak sandwich closeup