rules to picking wine

There is a huge variety of wine in the market, most of which are made from grapes. Wine grapes are different from your regular grapes as they are smaller, sweeter and contain seeds. There are over 2,000 wine grape varieties in the world used to make different types of wines. Italy is a major contributor to these wines and it’s reported that the country produced almost 5 million liters of wine in 2019 from 800,000 hectares of vineyard.


A bottle of wine makes a good gift to any occasion, however, knowing the right kind of wine to get you or your friend can be a hard nut to crack. Constant practice of the palette will make you a wine connoisseur in no time. Frequenting the wine bar across the street will give you ample opportunity to experience and sample different kinds of wines. NYC has some awesome world-renowned wine bars, cellars and wine festivals that draw huge crowds of wine lovers. City Vineyard in Tribeca off the Hudson River offers the best views as you sip away their famous sumptuous red wine. Have and Meyer, Coast and Valley, Frank’s wine bar are fun ideas for individuals who want to go out on a limb to discover excellent red wine in the city.

When choosing wines, most people would rather go for brands that they are familiar with or they have heard good reviews about. There are no qualms about this, to each their own. The right place to begin a search for a wine adventurer is without a doubt Italy; home of prosecco, Moscato, Chianti, and Amarone. Below are some few rules that may guide you in your venture for the perfect wine;


Getting to know your taste can be a bit tricky as all wine varieties may seem to taste alike but each has its very own distinct differences. You can go on a sampling spree with your friends and order a few inexpensive wines from all the wine categories. This will help you zero in one that particular grape that you like. Another way would be to visit a nearby vineyard most of which offer sampling sessions for their customers. 


It’s always best to choose one quality wine, even if it means breaking your bank over getting some mediocre bottles. Great wines should be classic ones that have been prepared with the best raw materials and craftsmanship. Sassicaia wine has an undisputed quality of grapes and known expertise from world-renowned winemakers.


Wines are classified primarily from its grape and by the region where the grapes are grown from. Those that are classified on grape variety are referred to varietal while those classified based on the region are named after the region itself. There are white wines – those that are colorless, and red wines which have color intensity based on the soaking time. Wines can also be classified through taste which further breaks down to 4 main classifications of wines;


These are color wines made from the red grape variety. The grapes are soaked with their skin allowing it to get into contact with the juice during the fermentation process. The most popular red wines are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Zinfandel.


These wines are colorless from the white grape variety. There are instances where red grapes are used but the skin isn’t allowed to get into contact with the grape juice. These wines range from dry to sweet wines with the most common ones are Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Gewurztraminer.


Rose wines aren’t truly red but instead have a reddish tinge that differentiates them from white wines. They are made from the red grape variety and the most popular one is Zinfandel.


Sparkling wine as the name suggests has a small number of effervescences and it goes without saying, champagne and prosecco are the most famous sparkling wines in the world.

Want some health reasons why wine can be good for you? Read this post.