With all the buzz leading up to the new and final season of Lost, what we want to know is: What street food would the Oceanic Six have eaten before boarding their flight in Sydney?

Souvlaki Plate

Street-hawked meat pies—small pastries filled with mincemeat and gravy—are more or less the national dish of Australia.  However, these days, kebabs and souvlakis have taken over as the main street food in Sydney and Melbourne due to the high percentage of Greek and Lebanese people in those cities.  They are all enjoyed as late night snacks, especially after a few beers, which seems to be one of the more popular activities in Australia.

Pie Floater
Pie Floater

If you happen to be in Adelaide and have more than a few more beers, you can always try a Pie Floater.  This Southern-Aussie variant is a little more creative: The pie is floated in a bowl of thick pea soup, then topped with a dollop of ketchup.  It’s served from carts at parks and main thoroughfares all around Adelaide.  Floatophiles claim that once they’ve gotten their fix, they don’t need to eat again all day. They also claim Pie Floaters are best enjoyed when drunk.  We think it’s more of a prerequisite.

And if you’re in the mood for dessert, there always Mr. Whoppa.

Mr. Whoppa Ice Cream
Mr. Whoppa Ice Creams