What a gorgeous day! Perfect for enjoying some great New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.
The Green Truck will be giving out free veggie burgers & iced tea at Broadway and Fulton St from 12 til 2, and Malaysia Kitchen is still giving out free samples in Flushing.
Rickshaw Truck has spicy Szechuan chicken dumplings today, but they won’t be at their regular Wed spot by Columbus Circle because of the police. Papa Perrone’s is still off the road due to mechanical problems, and Korilla is having problems finding a good spot to park again, but it looks like they landed at 20th & Broadway.
With all this activity, make sure to check the pink Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
waffletruck A splendid day in wafelland, MidtownEast: 47 & 3rd Ave till 4:29pm. Bloomberg 4 president in 2012?? For 1 free dinges & lots of controversy! JUST IN: Belgium’s clandestine wafel-spying satellite reveal: Goesting cart on Greenwich & Murray. Vedette @ Central Park Zoo (5th Ave & 60)
VeganLunchTruck Cinnamon Snail in NYC this Sunday! http://fb.me/xNA9hwNZ