The heat wave continues, but there are plenty of ways to bring down the temperature. Our favorite is FREE Coolhaus ice cream sammies today from 12:30-2pm.
As always, check our Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
Coolhaus NY Hey @CoolhausNY ! We’re passin’ out FREE SAMMIES for @REDmovie 2 at 21st & 5th from 12:30-2pm today! Come find out what the “Nightshade” is!
Nuchas fact: Taste buds’ average life is 5 days. Idea: make them last longer by meeting Nuchas Truck on 46th & 6th today!! #empanadas
DiSO’S We’ll be in midtown east today.. 47th and Park ave.
Uncle Gussy’s TODAY BRIAM: a wonderful veggie summertime DisH Mixed summer vegetables bake in a fresh tomato sauce, full of the aromas of fresh herbs,
Milk Truck We’re at seaport today and always @houston hall. Truck will be off the road today. Back at 20th&5th tomorrow!
Kimchi Taco Heat won’t bring us down. Won’twon’twon’t. #LentSpace, Varick/Grand 11-3pm
Toast Monster Hope you catch me howling at the moon hoping you will return soon at noon. 50th and 6th make me brave. Rawr!
Toum NYC Sorry #MidtownWest – a location change for today… We’re on South End Ave & Liberty until 3pm. Your #LebaneseLunch awaits! @BrookfieldPLNY
Wafels & Dinges Goesting is at Broadway & 66th till 9pm Vedette is at 60th & 5th till 8pm Pagadder is at Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall Park till 9pm! Momma Truck is at 50th St btw 5th & 6th Ave. For one free dinges give us the name of this weekend’s New King of Belgium
The Steel Cart Another gorgeous day on #Venus! Stop by 56th & Broadway for a delicious sandwich and an ice cube. @randomfoodtruck –
Schnitzel & Things Seems like a good day to schvitz & schnitz while wearing business attire. Don’t let the heat stop you! 52nd b/w 6th & 7th 11:30-2:00. C ya:)
Wingnitnyc Out here on 56th and Broadway today. No parking on 54th. We will be here from 8am to 3pm today. See you guys at… http://fb.me/2y2BbU3R1
Sweetery If these are already the dog days of summer, what will Aug. bring, the dog & cat days? Hudson/King St. strictly for your culinary pleasure.
Domo Taco WEATHER ADVISORY: spankin’ hot #tacos raining down on North End + Vesey. Come and get your #limeade fix at the #wfc #awwyeah
OldTraditionalPolish we are back on 47th between Park and Madison – ready at 11:00. we have: smokin’ grilled kielbasa, meat, potato & cheese, kraut & mushroom, spinach & cheese pierogi – and… http://fb.me/2e19wvDXf
BobJo Truck BobJo is here at Water st and Hanover sq in downtown,NY and will open to serve you lunch at 11:30. BTW we have chicken special today for $7.
Shortys NYC Ready for lunch—we’re at the Lent lot—Varick & Grand.
RedHookLobsterTruck Happy Tuesday! Find Big Red at 50th and 6th Ave today from 11-3! OOPS we are NOT at 50th and 6th today..we are at teh MLB ALL START GAME! see yanext week
Coolhaus NY Password of the Day is Musee d’Orsay! Say it for 1$ off 2 Sammies!
BigDs Grub #TacoTuesdays at @DUMBOlot. Join us at 56 Jay Street in #DUMBO #Brooklyn for lunch today. 11:15am to 3pm. Preorders call 646-543-BIGD
BIAN DANG #wfc #worldfinancialcenter north end and vesey for #taiwanese #lunch #biandang from 11:30-2:30! #comegetsome
Phil’s Steaks might be a hot one but theres a cool breeze in Battery Park City. Come try our new Fresh Cut Fries n’ sit by the water! @BrookfieldPLNY 11-2
Mike n Willie’s #Taco #Tuesday @dumbolot Jay & Water it’s a hot one come cool off with #refreshing #limeade #tacos #sliders #comegetsome
Steaks N Crepes 46 & 6 ave for lunch till 03:30. come for the best old style cheesesteaks in #nyc. combo w/ fries & drink $10 only.
The Pocketful Located on 49th between 6th&7th. Online at http://thepocketful.com
funbunsnyc Front and Adams st !!! Come try our limited roast pork bun! @DUMBOFoodTrucks
Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on 36th St @ Broadway today!
Ben & Jerry’s Truck Hey #NY, it’s another scorcher out there today, & we got the #OMGFreeBenJerrys to keep you cool! Tweet us!
Neapolitan Express Working hard? Treat yourself to our #delicious #organic #pizza on 49th and 6th ave! #midtown #nyc #HeatWave
Taïm Mobile It’s back. After a sellout yesterday, we have more Spinach Jalapeño falafel on 20th/5th. Goes great with a refreshing PearMintLemon smoothie
The Munchie Mobile Hot dang ! Come munch out for lunch today on 17th and 5th ! Heat wave special : get a free cold drink with any sandwich and fried item combo 🙂
Fresh and Hearty Hot Deals for Hot Days! Fresh and Hearty serving Summer Salads and Combo Deals All Day!We serving Lunch today at 47St btw Park & Madison Ave
Gorilla Cheese NYC G1 @dumbolot Water & Jay……G2 @MLB Allstar Game @CitiField….. Tasty Tuna Melts w/ #FreeBacon if u ask…:-)#cometothecheeseyo
MorrisGrilledCheese 29th & Park for lunch today, and we mean it! Get some cold gazpacho, a housemade soda & sandwich to beat the heat! Open 1130-3 #cheeseisgood
Mexicue Back at Starret Lehigh! It’s hot…but spicy food helps keep you cool…get extra hot sauce.
BP Food Trucks NORTH Lot at @BrookfieldPlNY is hoppin’! Join @PhilsSteaks @Palenquefood @DomoTaco @SouvlakiTruck & @BianDangNYC at N. End Ave./Vesey, 11-3.
BP Food Trucks @MiamiFoodMachineNYC & @ToumNYC are bringing their lunch goodness to @BrookfieldPlNY SOUTH, 11-3, S. End. Ave. & Liberty St.
DUMBO Lot .@bigdsgrub @mikenwillies and @Valduccis gracing the lot with their #presents today! #badpuns Correction, @Valduccis is not at the lot. We got @gcnyc1 (gorilla cheese) slingin up #dope grilled cheese sandwiches instead #leggo!