It’s a beautiful sunny day outside. Perfect for enjoying some great New York Street Food.
On the ice cream front, BGICT is going on holiday for a week starting tomorrow, so stop by today for Nuclear Winter (see below), their flavor of the day. And if you like rum raisin ice cream, Miss Softee has been soaking raisins in rum for a week, and will have real rum raisin ice cream for today’s special.
NYC Cravings and Eddie’s Pizza Truck both had to change locations because of a movie shoot. Jersey City trucks have been getting hassled by the police, and Mexicue is doing a private event today. With all this activity, make sure to check the pink Mobile Munchies twitter feed on our homepage before heading out, in case anyone else had to move at the last minute.
nyccravings – Lexington Avenue between 51st Street & 52nd Street! There’s a filming at our usual spot!
EddiesPizzaNY – Movie Shoot in our spot. We are on 55th and Park! We repeat 55th and Park until 3pm then 14th btwn 3rd and 4th. Two more days of vodka sauce w/chicken cutlet… http://fb.me/sBiiaUmz
fritesnmeats – Howdy Amigos! Were on Park Ave b/w 26th & 27th St. Looks like a mighty fine day today. Only wya to make it better is with some Burger Love! about 1 hour ago via web
miss_softee – I’ve had juicy raisins soaking in Appleton estate jamaica rum for a week. today’s the day they hit the ice cream. REAL rum raisin special!!
biggayicecream – It’s the last day of BGICT for a week! I’m ready to dive off a 10-meter platform into a pool of margarita. I’m a gonna be goofy today! From opening until 4pm only: Nuclear Winter. Vanilla ice cream, Sriracha, peanuts, chocolate dip drizzled on, and a pickle spear. YES.
StreetSweets – St. Sw is on Hudson St btw King & W.Houston 8-4p. Stop by & bring ur fella a Macarella. Don’t send her flowers, buy her chocolate flourless
schnitzeltruck – Remember peeps.. We will be on 52nd b/w 6th & 7th today.. Closer to 6th. Get ur schnitz on at out old location. 11:30! C ya soon
RickshawTruck – Happy Thursday dumpling lovers! We’re at Hudson & Houston and Hanover Sq from 11a-3p today. We got dumps on a truck!
qbacubankitchen – Hola nyc! On way to midtown. Special Ropa Vieja! Mmm que rico!
quickstopkosher – all day B&H. For new FB/T. Fans come ask for free dinges. http://forward.com/articles/130179/
joyridetruck – Joyride is on the south east corner of 52nd and Lexington from 7:30am until 5:30pm. Can you smell the @stumptowncoffee brewing?
waffletruck – Happpy Thursday Midtowners! We’re on 46 btwn 5 & 6 til 4:30 in the pm. Give us the evil eye (optional sound fx) today for 1 free dinges.
GOBurger – Today at seaport pier 17. see ya there. Specials BLT burger,veggie burger,Jillian chili burger, BBQ burger and chili cheese fries and the best robe dogs in town
CupcakeStop – CupcakeStop truck parked on 5th and 23rd. Also find us inside the Limelight on 6th and 20th 1st fl and in Montclair NJ 1 Greenwood Ave. Red Velvet,Vanilla Choc, Oreo Crumb, Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl, Nutella Crunch, Black Forest, Boston Cream, the Elvis and Hummingbird
LCBBurgerTruck – The LCB Burger Truck is located at 111 Wall Street today. Enjoy!
Mexicue – Mexicue is doing a private event today. Tomorrow we’ll be in the Financial District bet 12 and 4 and at @therandolphnyc for happy hour.
Hoboken/Jersey City
VeganLunchTruck – Are on Sinatra and 3rd in Hoboken with raspberry cheese Danishes and lots more! Call ahead 201-675-3755. This weeks special: French mustard seitan baguette with basil pesto grilled zuchini, caramelized onions, baby… http://fb.me/uuY7D8hy
TheKrave – 12:00-2:00, Hudson and Harborside Place – We’re back!! Come quick just in case, the police shut us down down http://tumblr.com/xl1g5s5iz
laspicetruck – The little white truck is off the road today.
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- miss_softee
guess who went to take a nap and took a whole night instead? ooooops. will bake tonight for tmrw… getting ready to head out for oreo now.
- schnitzeltruck
Remember peeps.. We will be on 52nd b/w 6th & 7th today.. Closer to 6th. Get ur schnitz on at out old location. 11:30! C ya soon
- nyccravings
Lexington Avenue between 51st Street & 52nd Street! There’s a filming at our usual spot!
- fritesnmeats
Dont want to spend ur lunch waiting in line like @ The S. Shack? No prob! Just call, pick up & go to the park to watch the line 917.292.9226 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 917.292.9226 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
- RickshawTruck
Happy Thursday dumpling lovers! We’re at Hudson & Houston and Hanover Sq from 11a-3p today. We got dumps on a truck!
- quickstopkosher
http://forward.com/articles/130179/ all day B&H. For new FB/T. Fans come ask for free dinges