What a great day in NYC!  Looks like it going to be a Big Gay Ice Cream day later on.  It’s also a perfect day to enjoy the best street food from the carts listed to the right and the trucks below.

CupcakeStop52nd & Lexington w/ 12 flavors, TWO new ones: Peanut Butter Cup and Toffee Crunch (Choc Cake, Brown sugar frosting, Heath Bar bits on top)
biggayicecreamYup! I’ll be out on the street later today. I’ll let you know once I’m installed at Union Square. Visit @UnSqGreenmarket while you’re by.
waffletruckIf it’s Monday, it’s wafels on Brdway & 114th til 5pm. Your suggestion for what volcano-stranded travelers should visit, for 1 free dinges.
schnitzeltruckMorning TriBeCa friends.. We missed you.. We’ll be on Greenwich and chambers today @ 11:30.. Ready for schnitzification?? We are;)
StreetSweetsGreat Mon. morning! Street Sweets will be on 5th Av btw 22st & 23st (west side of the Av.) from 8a until 3:30 p then off to 9th av & 59th st
VLAIC – G’day! Trucks at 6th & 22nd till 10AM then 5th & 23rd, 10am-6pm and 5th & 15th now till 6pm……Enjoy

nyccravings – Ready by 11…48th btw 6th and 7th.
CalexicoCart – Sorry guys Calexico on Broome St is closed today. However, the cart on Wooster & Prince is alive and well Spicy ground beef is the especial
RickshawTruck – Monday: DUMBO! See you at Front + Washington. Midtown! See you at 46th bet 5av + 6av! Dumplings in the sun! Woohoo! 11a-3p Check it out!
fritesnmeats – Hey FiDi!!! Burger Love’s here to kick off week right! The Oinker rides again! Killer Brownies in da house! Preorders till 1130 917.292.9226

2 new tweets.

schnitzeltruck – Hey guys so we got a spot on Greenwich and chambers.. Hopefully no troubles… Come and get ur schnitz on TriBeCa!!


New Jersey Food Trucks

thekrave4/19 – 12:00-2:15, Hudson between York & Grand. 12:00-2:00, Hudson & Essex, Inside Liberty Towers Gourmet….

TheTacoTruck – Lunch in Hoboken today @ Sinatra Dr. & 2nd St. from 11:30-2:30. Call ahead 201.577.4214.