Last day for FREE Ben & Jerry’s, and you can also get a FREE Bronx Turkey Burger at 52nd & Park from Bistro Truck and Jennie-O turkey.
As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
BenJerrysTruck Rise & shine #NYC! It’s our last day on the road in this beautiful concrete jungle & we’re bringing the sweet stuff to stops YOU requested!
BistroTruck Heads up, 52nd & Park, we’re bringing free lunch today! Stop by @ 11 a.m. for a juicy, delicious turkey burger! Info at SwitchToTurkey.com. Today serving Da Bronx turkey burger w. blackened poblano peppers & chard scallions. Served w. Spicy mayo & creamy cheese sauce.
feedyourhole Were close to 30th and Park…
TaimMobile Highline @highlinenyc with spinach jalapeño falafel
morristruck MorrisGrilledCheese Hello @DumboNYC. Come join us today for lunch on Front and Main St from 11:30-3:00.
Mexicue Summer comes but once a year. 55th & Lex, 11:45.
Chefsamirtruck Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on 36th St @ Broadway today! Special of the day: GRILLED TILAPIA served over INSALATA DI PASTA (rotini with cherry tomatoes, olives, tuna, fresh basil) $10
UncleGussys Hi folks We’re doing it again, rain or shine were out here
bigdsgrub BigDs Grub7/29 (Fri) TGIF! Heading to Midtown East for lunch today! 53rd and lex hear we come! TODAY’s LUNCH SPECIAL: Free smile with any Taco trio or grinder!!! AND….. we also have VIETNAMESE SPRING ROLLS!
lobstertruckny Red Hook Lobster Bananarama said summer was cruel, guess they never had a lobster truck in their lives! Big Red is on 46th btw 5th & 6th today. Service at 11
CupcakeStop HI!! Today, Truck#1 is located on 5th Avenue and 23rd Street. Truck#2 is located on Park Avenue and 28th Street. Stop by and grab a bite!!
joyridetruck It’s a Stuytown kind of Friday and weekend for that matter! We’ll be sitting pretty in the oval Fri-Sun.
LukesLobsterNY We’re at 40th and 5th for Bryant Park Friday! Opening the doors around 10:30. Don’t be late!
WallStBurgers CUMC we are open from 11:30.. Come get your burger/curly fries!
KimchiTruck Good morning! Lunch in Midtown 46th & Lex 11:30-3pm.
biandangnyc Corner of vanderbilt and 46th…ready by 11:30!
gcnyc1 Varick & vandam 11-3. Today’s Special…Tasty homemade Falafel, Muenster, Tomato, Tahini Sauce on French…cheese up yo !!!
KorillaBBQ Korillaz on the prowl Flatiron + FiDi Fridays. {25th & Park} y {Front & Gouveneur}!
PapaPerrone 55th Btwn Park&Mad. Eggplant parm, Porto Bella riceballs today. Italian ices
EddiesPizzaNY Lunch today on hudson/king w/eggplant ricotta pizza, salads, pesto and more…Cart is at highline on 30th and 10th.
waffletruck Yipeeee De Wafel Truck is on 49th st & 3rd Ave. till 4:26. Annnd De Wafel Cartz; De Goesting is @ 52nd btwn 5th+6th til 5:10. De Bierbeek is @ Columbus Circle til 10:09. C YA HERE. FREE DINGES for ordering while doing jumping jacks. Ohh yea De Central Park Cartz; De Vedette is @ Zoo on 5th Ave. + 60th st. Til 8:01. De Kotmadam is on Great Lawn @ Turtle Pond til 8:09.
LaBellaTorte The cannoli &dessert truck will be at the new rink in@highlinenyc today from 11to11 30th street&10th ave
SweeteryNYC TGIH, Yes, Thank Good it’s Hudson St! We will be here until 11:15 then off to Park Av/52nd St 12p-3p then to a private RRDonnelley event.
cupcakecrewnyc TGIF**FORGETABOUTITFRIDAYS**The Crew is setting up@Bryant Park on W. 40th & 6th Avenue today w/6 flavors of”LOVE”-Start the weekend off with a Cupcake 😉
New Jersey
TheKrave friday – 금요일 (geum-yoil) – 12:00-2:00 Hudson and Harborside Pl. 5:30-9:00 Columbus and Marin http://tumblr.com/xl13rvsbi5