How to Make Cooking Easier (with Videos!)

How to Make Cooking Easier
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Cooking should be a fun activity that you don’t mind getting involved in. You might even look forward to it, especially as it can be a relaxing way to end the day. However, a lot of people don’t feel like that, and they don’t enjoy cooking at all. Although there will be a variety of reasons why this is, one of the biggest is that they find cooking difficult, so it’s not relaxing, and it’s not fun – it’s a chore. 

The good news is there are a number of things you can do to make cooking easier. When you put these ideas in place, you will find that the difficulty level goes down, and you’ll be able to see the fun element a lot more easily. Read on to find out more. 

Plan Ahead 

One of the best ways to make cooking easier is to plan ahead. This way, you won’t walk into the kitchen knowing you have to cook dinner but having no idea what to cook or how to get started. That can be stressful, and it’s what can often result in quickly thrown-together meals that don’t taste good or have no nutritional value, or even takeout meals instead of cooking altogether. 

By planning, you’ll know precisely what you are going to cook for each meal, and you’ll have all the ingredients and equipment you need ready to get started. Taking this unknown and confusing element out of the picture means you can just get started on the cooking itself and not have to concern yourself with anything else. 

Watch this video by Meghan Livingstone to learn more about planning your meals:

Have the Right Tools 

If you’ve ever tried to do any kind of work and not had the right tools to do it with, the results won’t have been great. You might have managed to get something similar to what you wanted, but in many cases, the quality of the result won’t be as good as it could have been. In other situations, you might not have been able to complete the job at all. This relates to everything, so it also relates to cooking. In other words, if you don’t have the right tools, cooking is always going to be harder than it needs to be. 

Think about the meals you want to cook and invest in the equipment that will enable you to cook them. Everything from good knives to mixers to aprons from reliable stores like, for example, needs to be thought about because each element comes together to make cooking a lot easier. If you plan ahead and prepare all the right tools you’ll need, as we mentioned above, you’ll be able to get the right equipment ahead of time. If you love Asian food, for example, read our post about the tools you’ll need for cooking Asian food.

Watch this video by Joshua Weissman about the most essential tools every kitchen must have:

Try One Pot Meals 

If you’re a novice cook or you just prefer to keep things simple, you might find that dishes with a lot of ingredients and processes put you off cooking entirely. One solution to this is to find one pot dishes to start with. As the name implies, these dishes only need one pot, and all the ingredients are added to it and cooked together. You can create a wide variety of food using this method, and there are websites dedicated to the idea, as well as plenty of cookbooks. 

Watch this video by Tasty to learn some easy one-pot recipes:

It might be that you’re happy to only cook one pot meals from now on, and you’ll certainly never run out of ideas if that’s what you want to do. Or it could be that mastering one-pot dishes gives you the confidence to try other, more complex ideas. In either case, you’ll find cooking becomes a lot easier. 

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Ron Rossi
“The Jaded Traveler”. Ron Rossi was born and raised in New York. A globalist at heart, Ron is a marketing director by trade, and has lived and worked around the world including Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Food is one of the best ways to learn about a country, a people and a culture. So, Ron is always looking for the best in mid-range to budget and street food. He is always on the hunt for a good meal anyone can afford. It is the food of the average citizen that excites him. And with having visited close to 100 countries on 6 continents so far, there have been some pretty good meals.