How do you like your brisket? Want to learn how to eat brisket? For many people, this simple and delicious cut of beef is the most favorite meat. Cooked on an open barbeque or grill, or on your outdoor smoker, brisket is a garden party staple.
There are many ways to cook brisket, but the best way is undoubtedly to grill it. This is the healthiest way too as it allows the fats to drain away, so you’re left with a delicious cut of beef that is luscious, tasty, and just about perfect.
How to Eat Brisket: 3 Important Q & A
1. How much?
One question that is often asked is how much brisket you should be served to a guest? This depends entirely on the person concerned, but when all is said and done a cut of brisket can be a pretty big chunk of meat!
Brisket is also a tough cut of meat and requires a long and slow cooking time to get right, but it’s a favorite with meat lovers who like to get their teeth into something substantial.
For the record, the recommended serving ranges from 1/4lb to 1/2lb of brisket per person. Given that it will reduce during the cooking process you should start with double the weight per person you want to end up with. Now, let’s delve a bit deeper into how to eat brisket.

2. Sauce or No Sauce?
This is the burning question: do you serve your brisket marinated, or do you offer it without a sauce? Some people prefer the meat clean and ready for them to choose what to add to it.
The latter is perhaps the best choice, although if you have a ‘chefs special’ marinate that you want to present – you can do half the brisket and let people decide. A barbeque marinate is a great choice for brisket and for other beef joints, and there are some simple and delicious recipes to be found online.
Some people may wonder why we’re promoting serving large proportions of red meat. Surely that’s not healthy at the least? In fact, it has been shown that brisket is healthier than you may think as it is among the most nutrient and healthy of all red meat and beef cuts, and for good reason.
The brisket is a muscle joint hence it is one that has been working. It’s imbued with more of the nutrients we need than most meat, and it doesn’t lose this – only the fat – during the cooking process. So, you can serve your guests chunks of brisket and tell them they are eating healthily!
3. Where to Buy Brisket?
The quality of the beef you buy will depend on how the animal has been raised. This goes not just for beef but also for lamb, pork, poultry, and other meat.
You may find a store with ready-packed brisket at great prices. However, we recommend that you take a walk and find a quality butcher. They survive on a reputation of having the best meat in stock and source their meat from local farmers. This means they will only sell quality as a damaged reputation means fewer customers.
Talk to a butcher and they will recommend the right brisket, and they will cut it as you want to. They will probably also teach you all you need to know about how to eat brisket. There’s nothing like having a friendly butcher with whom you are a regular and who knows what you want. It will cost a little more but try that from the butcher alongside the cheaper brisket and you’ll taste the difference.
Finally, if you have space you might want to consider buying in bulk and freezing prime cuts of beef and brisket as this can result in notable cost savings.
Want to know how to cook your meat perfectly each and every time? Read this post. And if you want to cook it with wine – read this.