As we’ve been mentioning for a while, Coolhaus will be giving away free ice cream sandwiches out of the Firefox Truck for the next few days.  The giveaways will be from 12pm – 4pm on the following days and at these locations:

With the super ominous weather forecast for tomorrow, Coolhaus just told us they are rescheduling the Madison Square Park visit to Monday 5/2.  The weekend weather is predicted to be gorgeous, so this is the only change they are making for the moment.  Their revised schedule looks like this:


fri 4/29: grand & lafayette
sat 4/30: bryant park at 43rd & 6th ave
sun 5/1: union sq at w16th & union square west
mon 5/2: madison sq park at east 24th st & madison ave

Why?  To celebrate the grand opening of the Coolhaus NY truck, and to raise awareness of the newly launched Firefox mobile browser for Android.

Firefox has created a social mobile game just for the occasion called Spark. https://spark.mozilla.org/.  They will also be demoing the Spark game at the truck on shiny new Samsung Galaxy Tabs.

Enjoy free delicious Coolhaus ice cream sandwiches, including the following flavors:

– The Awesome Bar: peach bellini ice cream on a snickerdoodle
– Foxy Brown: nutella toasted almond ice cream on an oatmeal cookie
– The Beta: earl grey ice cream on brioche cookie
– The Chilla from Mozilla: fresh blood orange puree sorbet on brownie cookie with dark chocolate chips and a touch of French fleur de sel
– Mozilli Vanilli: vanilla with real Madagascaran beans and milk chocolate chips
– The Spark: milk chocolate ice cream with chipotle peppers and a touch of cayenne on an oatmeal cookie with raisins and a touch of coconut
– Tipsy Fox: guiness chip ice cream on a double chocolate fudge cookie


And if that isn’t enough for you, Dos Equis will also be launching the Feast of the Brave truck with free, exotic Mexican tacos filled with such delicacies as veal brains, ostrich, and grasshoppers.  Feast of the Brave indeed!

The Feast of the Brave Truck will be giving away free tacos through May 7th. Here are the times and locations through the end of the weekend. We will post next week’s schedule on Monday.


Thurs 4/28

11:30am-2:30pm – 23rd St btw 5th & 6th Ave

7-9pm –3rd Ave btw 24th & 25th St

Fri 4/29

11:30am-2:30pm – 350 Hudson St btw Charlton & King

7-9pm – MacDougal St btw Bleecker & W. Houston

9-11pm – Avenue A btw St Marks & 7th St

Sat 4/30
12-2pm – 6th Ave btw W. 3rd & W. 4th St.

4-6pm – 14th St btw Union Sq & 5th Ave

9-11pm – 13th St btw Hudson St & 9th Ave


Sun 5/1

1-3pm – Kenmare St btw Mott St & Elizabeth St.

4-6pm – Essex St btw Stanton St & Rivington St