Luke’s Lobster Selling $10 Lobster Rolls For Mayor’s Sandy Relief Fund

(credit: NYSF)

Starting today and lasting through Saturday, Luke’s Lobster will be selling $10 lobster rolls on their truck.

Thousands of pounds of lobster were donated by the Maine Lobster Council for the cause, the Mayor’s Fund to Advance NYC. If you recall, this is the same entity that teamed up the NYC Food Truck Association and many private companies to provide over 250,000 free meals to those hit hardest by Hurricane Sandy.

Click through for where you can help those in need by eating $10 lobster rolls. If there is such a thing as a win-win situation, this is it!

Thursday: The truck will sell the rolls from its normal spot at 57th and Broadway from 11am-3pm. (NYSF note: Their regular Thurs spot is usually Bdwy btw 55-56 St, so check down a block if they are not at 57th St).  Added Bonus: Thursday only, Luke’s will be selling $10 lobster rolls from their newest outpost in Brooklyn Bridge Park from 11am-9pm.

Friday: The truck will sell from its regular spot at 47th and Madison from 11am-3pm.

Saturday: The truck will sell from its regular spot at Hoboken’s Pier 13 from noon-9pm, with proceeds going to New Jersey Sandy Relief.

You can confirm the Luke’s Lobster truck locations on twitter here or on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.

Thank you Luke’s, the Maine Lobster Council, the Mayor’s Fund to Advance NYC, and everyone taking part in this great event.

(credit: NYSF)
Luke’s Lobster (credit: NYSF)