Happy Holidays From New York Street Food

(credit: Warner Bros/Looney Tunes)

We are taking a few extra days off before the holidays, so this will be our last post until 2013. Many of the food trucks are closed next week, and we had to take a few days this week for family matters.

New York Street Food would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays, whatever you choose to celebrate (or not).

We’ve been thinking of making some changes on the site, and want to hear your suggestions too. If there are any general or specific things you would like to see, please let us know by emailing [email protected] or putting something in the comments below.

For the New Year, we are also working on a book for The History Press, but are keeping that fairly quiet for now. You will hear more as we get closer to the summer.

You can still order the Amazing NY Food Trucks 2013 Calendar. It won’t arrive in time for Christmas, but you should receive it before the New Year.

Take care everyone. We will be back bigger and better in 2013.