A bunch of the trucks are taking today off because of the weather…which means you should reward the ones working today with your business.
Schnitzel & Things is having problems with the Cevap Truck in their regular Tuesday spot on 46th between 5th & 6th Ave. We’ll have to see how that works out. Check their twitter here for updates.
Bistro Truck is trying new locations, and they just happen to be in my neighborhood today, the West Village. Too bad my office is by Columbus Circle 🙁
Korilla BBQ has one truck out in Soho and one truck is under the weather.
schnitznthings Morning guys.:) weather is nasty! But the Schnitz is oh so good. Going to try to park at our usual spot on 46th b/w 5th & 6th but another truck is already in our spot:(:(:( hopefully we’ll work something out! That’s the worst! If not we’ll update location:)
EddiesPizzaNY Open at 11am on 52nd btwn 6th and 6th w margarita pizza, heros and more. Call ahead your order 9174397522