Wafels & Dinges (on a sunnier day)

A bunch of the trucks are taking today off because of the weather…which means you should reward the ones working today with your business.

Schnitzel & Things is having problems with the Cevap Truck in their regular Tuesday spot on 46th between 5th & 6th Ave.  We’ll have to see how that works out. Check their twitter here for updates.

Bistro Truck is trying new locations, and they just happen to be in my neighborhood today, the West Village.  Too bad my office is by Columbus Circle 🙁

Korilla BBQ has one truck out in Soho and one truck is under the weather.

waffletruck Titilating Tuesday! Le Truck is on 52 btwn 3 & Lexington til 4:27pm. Aaaaaaaand…Carts! Le Bierbeek is on 31 & Park. Le Goesting will be out later. We’ll let you know. Voila! Attempt to order without using the word “wafel” for 1 free dinges.
BistroTruck Even with the rain we didn’t let u down.!! Hudson & Leroy lunch service is going down!!! Special: Crispy veal sandwich w. Apples, raisins. Soup: Creamy tomato. To all carnivores out there. We are ready for service. Roasted Lamb shanks, chicken & seafood pastilla gettin’ happy. Let’s do it …
TaimMobile No rain out here on Hudson and king ! We have spicy Harissa falafel today . Open at 11
GOBurger Hurray !! And we just parked our Go Burger Mobile Unit on 51st (6/7) come say hello! Or u can evenn grab few shakes !!

schnitznthings Morning guys.:) weather is nasty! But the Schnitz is oh so good. Going to try to park at our usual spot on 46th b/w 5th & 6th but another truck is already in our spot:(:(:( hopefully we’ll work something out! That’s the worst! If not we’ll update location:)

EddiesPizzaNY Open at 11am on 52nd btwn 6th and 6th w margarita pizza, heros and more. Call ahead your order 9174397522

KimchiTruck Good morning Flatiron! We’re singing and grilling in the rain on 24th & 5th/bway. Lunch 11:30-2:30.
Mexicue 45th Street & 6th Avenue @ 11:30
DesiFoodTruck Desi food truck serving the community of 50th street & 6-7 avenues.
UncleGussys Our special dish for the day Grecian style meatballs, served over rice and Greek salad For dessert mini baklava
KorillaBBQ Truck 1.0 will still be up & running for lunch in SOHO! Bring it on clouds! RAWR
Chefsamirtruck is on 38 St @ Broadway today!
PapaPerrone 55th Btwn Park&Mad. We have calzones today and we have the Porto bella riceball. Call ahead 917.880.1432
Cevaptruck Cevaptruck is serving food on 46st btwn 5th and 6th today!!
TheTreatsTruck Rainy days need treats! 12:30-3:30 38th st and 5th ave (we’ll retweet if the rain makes us close early). Hurray for treats!
bigdsgrub 5/17 (Tues) G’morning FiDi! The Grub Truck won’t be out today, stay dry and we’ll see you next week Tuesday!