On Saturday, August 20th, at least 30 mobile food vendors will be at the South Street Seaport for Parked!. In addition to a great assemblage of food vendors, there will be a beer garden, live bands and DJs, activities for kids and live cooking demos. Let’s hope the lines are a lot shorter than last year!
This is the 4th year for Parked!, which has grown from 5 vendors to over 30. It was originally in BKLYN Yard, then last year Parked! was on Governor’s Island, which we attended.
Click through for a partial list of this year’s vendors, as well as our thoughts on Parked!.
This year’s participants include Big D’s Grub, CoolHaus, The Cinnamon Snail, Cupcake Crew, Feed Your Hole, Frites ‘n’ Meats, Gorilla Cheese, Go Burger, JoyRide, Kelvin Natural Slush Co, Kimchi Taco, La Belle Torte, La Cense Burger, Mexicue Food Truck, Red Hook Lobster Pound, Taim Falafel, The Treats Truck, Valduccis Pizza, Van Leeuwen Ice Cream, Wafels & Dinges, Green Pirate Juice, Rickshaw Dumpling Truck, Schnitzel and Things, Desi Food Truck, Two Pitas In A Pod, Wooly’s Ice, Snap! and more.
While this sounds great on the face of it, long lines plagued last year’s Parked! We took the ferry over to Governor’s Island, and it was a beautiful day, but with no admission fee, lines were ridiculous. We went to one vendor and then left.
With this being the 4th and biggest Parked! yet, let’s hope they have some ideas of how to lessen the lines. (See UPDATE below for how they hope to accomplish this.)
One idea they had was the Parked Pass. For $50, the Parked Pass will get you a dedicated VIP express line at each truck, 10 small bites from 10 trucks, and a free drink.
A couple of provisos for the Parked! Pass: They are only selling 500 of them, and the Parked Pass is only good from 5-7pm. Parked Passes go on only at the Mean Red and Ticketfly websites starting at noon Wed, Aug 10th (tomorrow).
We’re not sure how much 500 VIP passes will cut down the lines, but increasing the number of food trucks to at least 30 is an ambitious move that may spread the crowd out enough to make this event bearable.
The festival runs from 10am to 8pm, so our standard big festival suggestion applies – GET THERE EARLY!