Home Business, Legal & Police Issues Changes Are Coming To New York Street Food

Changes Are Coming To New York Street Food

La Perla Mexicana

If you’re a regular reader of NYSF, you know that life has been incredibly hectic for us over the past 6 months, and is getting more so by the day.

In addition to selling our home, moving into a temporary apartment, and hoping to close on a new home by the end of Sept, we are now dealing with the severe illness of a parent in Florida. Nothing worse than having to talk to doctors and nurses from over a thousand miles away.

Work is also entering into a super-busy phase that’s probably going to last at least a year, with a lot of travel. We are in LA this week, will be going to London and Holland next month, and there will be a number of other trips after that and well into 2014.

All of this necessitates our cutting back on the time we can spend on NYSF. There will still be news and reviews, but maybe not every day. The schedule of 3-4 posts a day will be impossible to maintain the way life is these days.

The biggest change will be no more daily Mobile Munchies posts, which give you the locations of all the food trucks each weekday. The Mobile Munchies twitter feed will still be active, but we will not have the time to edit the locations into a post.

We know the Mobile Munchies post filled a void for people whose employers block twitter and facebook. We are sorry to leave you hanging, but life intrudes.

The best suggestion we can make is to check the NYC Food Truck Association’s website, as they do a daily Roll Call with locations of their members. This will not include non-NYCFTA member trucks, but it’s the best we can do. From what we’ve heard, apps like Tweat It and other food truck trackers are not too reliable.

We are still interested in selling NYSF. The best case scenario would be for someone to take over NYSF, and we would still contribute some news and reviews, but not have primary responsibility for the site. There are close to 1,000 reviews, several thousand photos, and we have a lot of good will in the industry. Surely someone out there knows how to fully maximize these assets.



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