Home beverages 8 Factors Behind the Rise in Popularity of Craft Beer

8 Factors Behind the Rise in Popularity of Craft Beer

Factors Behind the Rise in Popularity of Craft Beer
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash.com

Craft beer has been growing in popularity over the last few years. In 2013, the production of craft beer rose by about ten percent even though the beer industry, in general, fell by more than one percent. 

2014 saw a growth of eighteen percent in the volume of craft beer produced. This was the first time craft beer claimed a double-digit share of the beer industry. Today, research has indicated that craft beer accounts for one in every ten beers consumed in the U.S. alone.

The next few years are going to see more people consuming craft beer than ever before. But what are the factors behind the rise in the popularity of craft beer? Here are some of the factors making craft beer more popular;

1. Local Flavor

Today, we are seeing a rise in the number of people who are willing to support local businesses. These people are looking for proof and want to see how they can influence the growth of the local economy by supporting local businesses.

Local breweries are responding by opening their operations on farms. This has given rise to the number of hop farms, small and large, as well as malting operations taking place in the local firms. They are also turning to local craft beer festivals to promote their craft beers. This has, in turn, influenced how people see and support these breweries.

With a growing economy, local businesses can make a positive effect on our lives. This provides the local people with the confidence that they need to enhance their loyalty. These people are willing to spend huge amounts of money for that kind of connection with local breweries.

2. Technology is Letting Small Breweries Compete With Much Bigger Businesses

Technology advancement has had a positive impact on all businesses. Apart from automating daily and repetitive tasks, it has also created a level playing ground for both small and big businesses.

For instance, Ollie is a brewery technology that is allowing small breweries to compete with much bigger ones without any problems. They can get a backend warehouse and logistics management system that handles all their operations from raw material tracking to distribution and payments.

A brewery management software was a preserve for bigger brewery companies with the financial muscle to afford one. Today, technology has made it available to all businesses, regardless of their size. These software applications can be customized to meet the different requirements of different brewery businesses.

3. Craft Beer Has More Alcohol

Craft beer might come in different sizes and shapes, leaving consumers spoilt for choice. However, one thing remains constant across the sizes and shapes – the alcohol by volume. A bigger percentage of craft beers come with between five to ten percent of alcohol by volume.

You should not be surprised to find other craft beers with an alcohol percentage of fifteen or even more. This is something you can rarely find with other types of beers. It is due to the different types of beers such as porters and lagers that can be brewed.

The fermentation process also makes it possible to have more alcohol content in craft beers. Since consumers are looking for more alcohol, they are finding craft beers the best option when it comes to the choice of beers they can choose from.

4. Consumers Want To Experiment

Modern beer consumers are open to experimenting with new beers and flavors, something that has given a rise to the number of people brewing beer at home

People are tired of the same old beer flavors and want to try something new. This is one of the reasons why craft beer’s percentage in the overall beer market is growing every year.

Consumers want unique and new flavors when taking beers. The traditional breweries are not providing these experiences, leaving it to craft beer manufacturers. Since they (craft beer manufacturers) are innovating continuously, they can meet the demands of their existing and new customers.

5. A Wide Variety to Choose From

Consumers have a wide variety of craft beers to choose from since they come in different shapes, sizes, and flavors. This is one of the things contributing to the popularity of craft beers. For instance, you can drink your craft beer in a bottle or even a can depending on what you like.

Craft beer breweries invest a lot of resources and passion when it comes to the different flavors of their beers. They provide consumers with different options and ensure that you can even get a craft beer that matches the kind of food that you are taking.

If you have a health condition that dictates the kind of beer that you need to take, then you can be assured of getting a craft beer that matches those exact requirements. This has made craft beer more popular.

6. Environmental Responsibility

Environmental responsibility among businesses has been a hot topic in the last couple of years. Today, consumers are understanding the importance of environmental conservation and tend to work or buy from businesses that are showing a sense of environmental responsibility.

When it comes to the craft beer business, water is one of the most essential raw materials. Breweries produce a single barrel of beer from more than seven barrels of water. More than half of this water is then discharged as waste. 

However, craft beer businesses have started changing their facilities and installing devices to help them save water. Others are also putting the wastewater to different uses. This has impressed beer lovers, something that is making them consume more craft beers.

7. Increased Mobility

Modern beer consumers want to take their beers from anywhere they are without having to worry about beer packaging. For instance, if you are on a road trip, you need to be able to carry your beer with you without any problems.

The craft beer industry has ensured that their beers are mobile-friendly and that customers get packaging that meets their requirements. You will find craft beers in bottles, cans, and other forms of packaging that can be taken on the go easily.

8. Food Pairings

Most people order a drink, maybe a beer or wine, when they go for a meal in a restaurant before the meal is served. Imagine a situation where the drink you take does not match the meal you have ordered! 

Well, this is something you do not have to worry about with craft beers. Since most people have always limited themselves to popular beers when it comes to beer and food pairing, craft beer manufacturers saw an opportunity and exploited it.

This led to the introduction of different tastes and flavors in a bid to get a beer that pairs well with any meal that you want to take. This has made craft beers more popular since diners are not likely going to make wrong choices when it comes to food pairings.

The next few years are going to see an even more rise in the popularity of craft beers. This is due to the reasons discussed above.

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