There are a couple of adages about food that we try to live by.  The first is that bacon makes anything taste good.  The second is that everything tastes better fried – which lead us right into today’s Street Eats.

The Frying Dutchmen was founded by Ben Goldberg, who decided to open a food truck serving Dutch & Belgian-style frites after trying them on a trip to Amsterdam.  He first started with potato and sweet potato fries served in a cone with kick-ass dipping sauces.  A few months ago, several burgers and chicken sandwiches were added to the menu.

You don’t have to get fried chicken – they also serve grilled chicken and burgers – but I figure if you’re going down the fried road, there’s no point in going halfway.

I got a fried chicken sandwich combo, which costs $11 with a large order of fries, a drink, and your choice of dipping sauce.

The fried chicken sandwich was comprised of two large chicken tenders that made a nice-sized sandwich when put together on the bread.  Add some lettuce, tomato and a sweet honey-mayo sauce, and you have the makings of a crunchy, tasty sandwich.

If you can’t decide what types of fries to get, do what I do and order 1/2 potato and 1/2 sweet potato.  It doesn’t cost any more, and provides some variety.

The potato fries were thick, and while I wouldn’t call them crisp, they were definitely not mushy.  They were lightly salted, and went perfectly with the dipping sauce they suggested.

The Frying Dutchmen usually has between 8-10 dipping sauces to choose from, and I went with Locked & Loaded, which was on the daily special menu, but not the printed menu.  Locked & Loaded is made with sour cream, bacon, cheddar cheese and chives, so when you dip in a potato fry, it tastes just like a baked potato.  Mmm!

Locked & Loaded didn’t really go with the sweet potato fries, but that was fine, because I enjoyed the sweet potato fries all by themselves.  They were lightly dusted with salt and a little sugar.  With a sweet dipping sauce, they could almost be dessert.

You can find The Frying Dutchmen on twitter here or on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.  If there’s a particular sauce you would like to see on the truck, you can make a suggestion on their website here.  One of the most important factors in a successful business is listening to your customers, which they seem to take pretty seriously.

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