We’ve been manning the communications channels and have some updates for all you New York Street Foodies out there.

  • The new NYC Pizza Truck (above) let us in on some of their future plans.  According to the owner Adam, they are going to be offering thin crust cheese/pepperoni slices, pigs in blankets (yum!) and also soups and salads.  They are still sorting everything out with regard to pricing, but Adam assures us everything will be reasonably priced.
  • If you’ve been wondering why the Calexico Carne Asada cart on Broome St has not been in it’s usual location – their permit expired.  Oops!  The Wooster & Prince cart is not affected and is still there weekdays for lunch.  The Vendley Brothers promise to have the Broome St. cart back in service as soon as possible.
  • For all you frozen yogurt and coffee fans, a new truck called Joyride will be hitting the streets of Manhattan next Wed, July 21st.  Their motto is “Joy In A Cup”.  Their fro yo is made with organic yogurt and raw cane sugar – and you can get it buzzed (with a shot of caffeine) for only $.50 more.  Did we mention Joyride will also be serving Stumptown Coffee with quite an interesting array of coffee drinks, such as the Kubota (3 double shots of espresso infused with vanilla bean and marked with milk).  If that doesn’t put hair on your chest ladies, nothing will!  Full menu here.  Follow them on twitter here.
  • There’s a new Moroccan food truck in town called Comme Ci, Comme Ça (“like this like that” in French) run by Chef Samir.  We haven’t tried it yet, but their specialty is couscous – vegetarian, beef, chicken and merguez sausage.  We love merguez sausage, so look for our review within the next week or so.  Their website is still a tabula rasa, but you gotta love their logo (below).  Follow them on twitter here, although we have also added them to our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.

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