Home Food Festivals, Events & Conventions 3rd Annual British Street Food Awards Coming In Sept.

3rd Annual British Street Food Awards Coming In Sept.

Street food has always been popular in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. The street food renaissance in the US is a fairly recent occurrence, and it’s even more recent in Great Britain.

The British have taken to locally-sourced, well-prepared street food in a big way, and the 3rd Annual British Street Foods Awards will be celebrating the best next month. To put it in British vernacular “restaurant-quality menus at take-away prices”.

Click through to get more info, see a trailer with scenes from last year’s event, and even buy tickets if you can make it.

The British Street Food Awards will feature fifteen of the best street food traders (vendors) on Sat & Sun, Sept 15th & 16th in Hoxton, London.

Tickets are £8 and 15% of the ticket price is guaranteed to go to The Jamie Oliver Foundation.

We were hoping to go, but it’s on the same weekend as the Vendy Awards in New York. Sorry, gotta go with the hometown event first.

You can buy tickets here, their website is here, and below is a two minute trailer for you to enjoy.

The 2012 British Street Food Awards Finalists will be announced shortly, and last year’s finalists and winners can be seen here.


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