This has to be one of the 10 best days of the year so far – perfect for enjoying some great New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.
We’ve been talking about it for a while now, but the NY Times had an article today about the police chasing food trucks out of midtown because of the legal precedent set by the Paty’s Taco Truck case. Make sure you check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
KimchiTruck Good morning! Lunch today – 47th & Lex. 11:30-2:30. See you soon.
CrispOnWheels We’re on 51st today b/w Madison and Park ave
Chefsamirtruck Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on 55th St @ Lex today! Special of the day: BADEMJAN WRAP ($6) Spinach Wrap with hummus, baba ghanoush, mixed greens, tomato, curly parsley. Crème Brûlée
Frying_Dutchmen Going to be opening at about 11:30 at our lunch spot at Water and John st. Come out and say hi.
PapaPerrone 55th Btwn Park&Mad. Eggplant parm try it on our fresh garlic bread. 3 cheese riceball,Sicilian riceball or vegetarian riceball today. Italian ices: chocolate,lemon,cherry,rainbow,spumoni or cannoli
schnitznthings Morning everyone:) get over hump day with some schnitz. Truck will be on park ave b/w 26th & 27th sts. 11:30-2:00. C u soon!
lobstertruckny Red Hook Lobster Big Red is docked on the S/W corner of Varick & King. Service starts at 10:45.Feeling extra nice today, after all naughty is so passe.
CupcakeStop Hello fans!! Truck#1 is located at 24th St and 5th Ave. Truck#2 is located at Varick St btwn King & Charleton St. Hope to see you there! Flavors today (at both trucks): Red Velvet, Choc PB, Oreo Crumb, Funfetti, Toffee Crunch, and Mint Chip. MMM, Delightful =-)
cupcakecrewnyc Good Morning NYC! The Crew is on Hudson Street btwn King & W. Houston with six great flavors…Today’s Menu: Red Velvet, Rocky Road, Oreo, Peaches n’ Cream, Brooklyn Blackout, & Creamsicle…be sure to stop by!
BistroTruck Bistro Truck On the way to water & Oldslip #FIDI