Home Lists The Top 5 Most Dangerous Foods Not To Eat While Driving

The Top 5 Most Dangerous Foods Not To Eat While Driving

most dangerous foods

Eating at the same time as driving is probably the most dangerous thing you can do. Yet a study of 1,000 drivers performed through Exxon Mobil discovered that over 70% of drivers admit that they eat while driving and 83% drink drinks (not alcohol) while behind the wheel.

Research performed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concluded that folks that eat while driving increase the chances of accidents by 80%. They additionally concluded that 65% of car injuries are because of distracted drivers fussing with meals and drinks. Those are quite astonishing statistics and are surprisingly even worse than the stats of texting while driving.

So which are the most dangerous foods you should avoid and not eat while driving? Here’s a list that you should remember not to bring to any road trip.

The 5 Most Dangerous Foods Not To Eat While Driving:

1. Juicy Hamburgers

It’s regarded as one of the tops foods that are eaten in vehicles. Admit it, most of us, have grown accustomed to going to Drive Throughs and getting a burger on the road. It’s become such an integral part of our lives, that fast food corporations have even made it much less complicated to get your Big Mac or Whopper anywhere and anytime.

Heck, these days, you don’t even want to go out of your car! However, if that burger starts dripping all over, it can become extremely dangerous. Don’t allow that Cheeseburger to become a $500 or $1,000 deductible out of your insurance company. That could be a high-priced burger! 

2. Fried Chicken

Fried chicken is delicious, I eat it at least once a week. However, I enjoy it only at home, at a restaurant, or at work. Why? Because eating fried chicken while driving is simply ridiculous. You’ll find yourself continuously cleansing off your fingers from all the grease. 

Have you ever had grease on your steering wheel or armrest? It isn’t that easy to clean off as soon as it’s there, especially not when you’re driving. And worse yet, fried chicken can make a mess. Do yourself a favor and eat your fried bird in a restaurant or in a parked car.

3. Chocolate

Chocolate breaks down, melts, and smears easily. Anything you touch, including the steering wheel, armrest, your clothes, etc., will leave nasty chocolate fingerprints. Any driver’s instinctive response is to clean the stains, which naturally results in a prime distraction. Chocolate made it to the top 10 of several lists of the maximum risky meals not to consume while driving.

Even if chocolate isn’t genuinely a food you may spill, and it isn’t extraordinarily hot (like our next meal) – it’s still extremely dangerous. Why? Because as soon as it lands anywhere on the palms of your hands or fingers, or worse yet, on your expensive shiny white shirt or blouse – the distraction will be risky. Avoid eating chocolate while driving.

4. Hot Soups

Who doesn’t love a delicious hot bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup? Pretty much everybody besides those who accidentally spill it everywhere in their vehicle. It actually happened to me once, and it resulted in a little off-road driving, and me running in a big pothole. This ended up hitting the catalytic converter of my car.

Not sure if you know what that means, but as with many car repairs, the financial “damage” of changing a catalytic converter cost tremendously. I never ever ate soup again, in a car. 

Some soup corporations, like Campbell’s, are actually making soup in little portable “sippy cup” boxes. It’s a lot more secure than seeking to consume your soup from a bowl while driving, however, even soup in portable “sippy” boxes may be risky.

5. Coffee

Love Coffee like me? Yes, espresso! According to many studies, Coffee is the riskiest item to consume in your vehicle while driving. I know, it’s soooo good to sip that hot cup of coffee when you’re dead tired and need to drive for another 2 or 3 hours.  However, coffee is connected with the biggest number of car accidents.

Think of it, drinking it is so common and simple, but it only requires a small bump in the road to spill all over. And when it’s a really hot coffee – it can be deadly. Want to drink your espresso while on a road trip? Stop the car, and enjoy the cup to the fullest. The last thing you want to be doing is getting involved in a crash and needing the services of car accident lawyers.

Bottom line, don’t eat while driving. If you really must, at least avoid the risky ones above, and other foods like it.

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