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Estrogen Dominance Foods To Avoid: How To Fix Your Hormonal Imbalance Through Diet

Estrogen Dominance Foods
Photo by Sebastian Coman Photography on Unsplash.com

Searching to learn about Estrogen Dominance Foods to avoid? You’ve reached the right place. It’s no secret that women are more susceptible to hormonal imbalances than men. And it’s not just because they have a monthly cycle, either. There are many other factors at play, including an overload of xenoestrogens in the environment and food supply, overworked adrenal glands leading to cortisol imbalance, and even nutrient deficiencies due to stress or poor diet choices. If you’re wondering how any of this affects your health—and what you can do about it—read on! 

What Is Estrogen Dominance?

Do you know what estrogen dominance is? Estrogen dominance happens when there’s too much of the hormone estrogen floating around in your body, resulting in ailments like (2):

  • PMS
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Breast cancer risk factors or recurrence
  • Infertility

Estrogen dominance symptoms include: 

  • Bloating (caused by water retention) 
  • Cramps/pain during menstruation (related to prostaglandins imbalance)
  • Fatigue (due to adrenal gland exhaustion)
  • Mood swings (resulting from cortisol imbalance)
  • Insomnia (mediated by melatonin disruption)
  • Headaches/migraines (triggered by fluctuating serotonin levels). 

Your estrogen levels can be thrown off due to a number of things, including a high-sugar diet, stress, environmental toxins, and more. And this imbalance can cause a whole slew of other health problems down the road—so it’s very important to get yourself back on track.

Estrogen Dominance Foods To Avoid:


Alcohol is one of the worst offenders when it comes to estrogen dominance. In fact, all alcoholic beverages have been shown to contain phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant estrogens that have an effect on your body just like regular estrogen.

If you’re going to drink alcohol, then avoid white wine, beer and anything labeled as “dry” since these usually contain added sugar. Other types of alcohol are fine in – red wine has resveratrol that’s good for you, and spirits have been distilled so they’re purer.


Much of the meat we eat today is from animals given hormones to increase growth – this includes cows, pigs and even chickens. The excess estrogen these animals produce ends up in our food supply. You might not think you consume a large amount of meat—but if you eat out regularly or purchase processed foods like bacon, deli meats, hot dogs and canned soups, then your estrogen levels can skyrocket due to the xenoestrogens.

In order to avoid high-estrogen foods as much as possible, stick with organic, grass-fed/pasture-raised beef from now on. Or better yet—switch over to a vegan diet if you haven’t already. 


Milk and cheese in particular contain a high concentration of estrogen. The reason is that dairy cows are pumped full of hormones in order to produce milk for humans. These excess estrogens end up in their milk, which we then consume when we drink it or eat cheese. 


You may not think there’s such a thing as “estrogen grains,” but unfortunately they do exist… And if they make up a large part of your diet—they can lead to estrogen dominance. Much like other types of grains, wheat contains phytoestrogens that interfere with our natural hormone production. 

Try eliminating all forms of gluten (wheat, spelt, rye) for 30 days, then slowly reintroduce it to see how your body reacts. If you feel like gluten is affecting your hormones or mental health, then consider staying away from it altogether. 


Beans and lentils are another type of phytoestrogen-containing food that can lead to estrogen dominance if consumed on a regular basis. When selecting which beans to eat, make sure they’re organic since conventional legumes tend to be heavily sprayed with pesticides containing xenoestrogens. If you must eat beans, then stick with adzuki and black beans – these have the lowest concentrations of phytoestrogens out of all types.

Nuts and Seeds 

Many nuts contain high levels of phytoestrogens, which can lead to estrogen dominance if consumed in excess. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews 
  • Pistachios
  • Sunflower seeds 

Flax and chia seeds are a little different since they actually have some beneficial effects on our hormones – so these are okay in moderation. But try limiting other types of nuts and seeds from now on to avoid phytoestrogen overload. 


Just like legumes and grains, berries contain high concentrations of plant estrogens that can affect your reproductive health if you eat them too frequently. While it’s good to include fruit in your diet every day, try reserving berries for special occasions since they are one of the highest sources of estrogen. 

Cruciferous Vegetables 

This is another group of vegetables containing plant estrogens that can lead to estrogen dominance. This includes: 

  • Cauliflower 
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel sprouts

These vegetables are healthy in moderation. However, you can always substitute them with leafy greens like collard and kale

The Bottom Line 

There are many common foods that can lead to estrogen dominance if consumed in excess. Like most things, moderation is key in enjoying healthy foods to avoid hormonal imbalance.

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for the purpose of providing you with general information only. It does not address specific individual circumstances. It is not by any means a substitute for professional advice and should not be relied on to make any kind of decision. Any action you take upon the information presented in this post is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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