Home Breakfast It’s Big Gay Ice Cream Breakfast Time

It’s Big Gay Ice Cream Breakfast Time

(credit: NYSF)
ham, cheese & pesto pastry (credit: NYSF)

In case you haven’t heard, the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop in the West Village recently started serving breakfast. Not omelettes and stuff like that, but a line of pastries from La Newyorkina and Dough, and fresh coffee.

La Newyorkina was a Vendy Award Finalist in 2011 for her scrumptious Mexican paletas, but Fany is also an accomplished baker. Just listen to this lineup from last Friday morning, when we stopped by on our way to the office.

Empanadas with guava jelly and cheese, blood orange donuts, cinnamon butterflies, and the two items we ordered.

blood orange donuts (credit: NYSF)

First up was a large pastry with a pig’s face, but a cute pig’s face. Inside was ham, cheese and pesto. The ham was on the thick side, the cheese was mixed in well, and the pesto raised this significantly above your standard ham & cheese croissant.

The pastry itself was very light and flaky. So light and flaky that it left a lot of crumbs behind…all over my desk. Messy, but delicious.

ham, cheese & pesto pastry (credit: NYSF)

The second item we got was similar to an apple turnover. The pastry was made into what looked like tigers, with small streaks of chocolate making up the eyes and whiskers. Once again, very cute.

The pastry was flaky on these too, but didn’t seem to leave as many crumbs behind as the little piggies.

apple pastries (credit: NYSF)

Inside was an apple filling that looked small, but had a big taste. We really enjoy spiced apple fillings, like in apple pie. This was along the same lines.

The ham & cheese pastry cost $4 and the apple pastry cost $3.75.

Everything looked delicious, but we can only eat so much in the morning. Guess we’ll have to stop by again to try the empanadas and donuts.

guava & cheese empanadas & cinnamon mariposas (credit: NYSF)

The Big Gay Ice Cream Shop (West) is at 61 Grove St, on the corner of 7th Ave South, right by the Christopher St stop on the #1 train.

They now open at 7am(!) for breakfast, or a very late night snack if you’ve been clubbing all night. Their website is here for more info.

(credit: NYSF)
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