Home Food Trucks NYSF First Bite: Neapolitan Express New York

NYSF First Bite: Neapolitan Express New York

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)

Over the past 2 weeks, Neapolitan Express New York has gotten a lot of press.  The mainstream media were all over them for a couple of days, after their big press conference with Mayor Bloomberg, T. Boone Pickens and the truck’s owner, Max Crespo. Those are some heavy hitters.

With Neapolitan Express being a food truck, of course we wrote about them too.

What everyone was writing about, and rightly so, was how Neapolitan Express runs on compressed natural gas, emitting nearly 75% less carbon emissions than trucks that run on gas and diesel.

Yesterday the truck finally hit the street around lunchtime, and we had a chance to try their food. Not only did we have a margherita pizza, but we also got a cioccolato pizza for dessert.

If you’re gonna go, go big!

We also got a very nice surprise after ordering, which you’ll have to read through to the end to find out.

(credit: NYSF)

Neapolitan Express New York obviously put a lot of thought into not only their pizza, but their packaging as well. The top of the pizza box is perforated cardboard, which is intended to be used as 4 plates for eating outside.

(credit: NYSF)

Not only that, but if you want to bring some slices home for later, there are additional perforations where you can fold part of the box into a triangle for easy transport of 1 or 2 slices.

Personally, we don’t believe in leftovers. It’s a cold day in hell when we don’t finish our lunch, but not everyone is the same.

As for the pizza, we were impressed.

The crust of the pizza was thick, but it was also light and airy.

Lately the tomato sauces we’ve had have been on the sweet side, but Neapolitan Express’ tomato sauce was not sweet. It was basically tomatoes, but we’re not sure if we detected a little parmesan cheese either in or under the tomato sauce. There seemed to be a sharper cheese flavor than just mozzarella at play.

Speaking of the mozzarella, it was on the firm side for a melted cheese, and there was some nice browning on the mozzarella from the pizza oven.

The final piece of the margherita pizza was basil. There was enough basil to flavor the pizza, but not to overpower it.

As you can tell, we enjoyed the margherita pizza very much. Enough that we went back for dessert – pizza cioccolato.

(credit: NYSF)

Pizza cioccolato is two layers of pizza dough with nutella in the middle, and sprinkled on top is confectioners sugar.

Yes, it was as delicious as it sounds! It was warm and chocolatey, with the confectioners sugar adding an extra dimension to the nutella and dough.

About the only downside is this was too rich for one person to eat after eating lunch. One or two slices would be perfect, so we would recommend sharing the pizza cioccolato with a friend or co-worker (or three).

The official opening of Neapolitan Express New York will be on the Ides of March (the 15th). Until then, they will be hitting various neighborhoods at various times, testing out their product, getting feedback, and building word of mouth.

You know one of the best ways to build word of mouth (besides having a great product)? That would be giving away the product, which is exactly what Neapolitan Express is doing until their official opening on the 15th.

If you have a social media account (facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc), have your picture taken at the truck with pizza and the staff, post the photo on your account, and the pizza is FREE. It’s a win-win all around. That’s a very nice surprise to receive with your first order.

You can find Neapolitan Express New York on twitter here or on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed

(credit: NYSF)





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