The Amazing NY Food Trucks 2013 Calendar Just Went To Print


We know what you’ve been thinking, as we start getting into the holiday shopping season – when is the Amazing New York Food Trucks 2013 Calendar going to be ready – and who is being featured this year?

Due to circumstances we all understand, production was delayed, but the calendar should be in our hands shortly. Our printer is located in NJ, and they got flooded. Our contact there was also without power at home for a couple of weeks.

This year’s calendar features Sweetery NYC on the cover (and June), plus 11 other fantastic NY food trucks. Just like last year, $1 from every sale is being donated to the Street Vendor Project.

Click through to learn more about the Amazing New York Food Trucks 2013 Calendar.

Back Cover

The calendar is a full-size 12” x 12” wall calendar, perfect for hanging in your office or kitchen (or your office kitchen). This year’s list of food trucks is:

Janaury – Mexicue

February – Okadaman

March – Wafels & Dinges

April – The Cinnamon Snail

May – Palenque

June – Sweetery

July – Red Hook Lobster Truck

August – Phil’s Steaks

September – Jamaican Dutchy

October – Cupcake Crew

November – Kimchi Taco Truck

December – Feed Your Hole

Now you can enjoy your favorite food trucks all year long, without leaving your home or office. Every month includes great photos of the truck, its food, and information about the vendor.

There are also a couple of goodies in the calendar that were not included last year. This includes a recipe for Sweetery’s Maker’s Mark® Bourbon Chocolate Cupcakes, and a humorous quote about food to start your month right.

The Amazing New York Food Trucks 2013 Calendar is co-sponsored by Maker’s Mark® Bourbon and Food To Eat.

Maker’s Mark® Bourbon is super-smooth to drink, and is excellent in any number of recipes, including our bourbon-glazed chicken and of course, Sweetery’s cupcakes.

Food To Eat is the best way to order food from restaurants, and the only online ordering service that lets you order from your favorite food trucks.

We will let you know when the calendar is ready for sale, which should be within the next week or two.