sf viewer

We were contacted over the weekend by La Cocina in San Francisco, a non-profit organization dedicated to working with low-income entrepreneurs who are launching, growing and formalizing food businesses.

Last year they launched San Francisco’s Street Food Festival to great success.  This year, in conjunction with the SF Street Food Festival on August 21st, they are hosting the first National Street Food Conference.

La Cocina invited us to be part of the 1st National Street Food Conference.  Unfortunately, we cannot make it, but it looks like a fantastic event.  Click through for more details on the festival and conference.

The festival, which will take place on August 21st, will be followed by two days of conference sessions, working groups and networking.  As this is an inaugural event, they are hosting the conference as inexpensively as possible. Costs are minimal, and discounts are available at local hotels.

So far the panels are:

  • Open-Air Markets, Hawker Stalls and The Art of Making One Great Thing
  • Truck-Food Nation; The Streets of America – moderated by John T. Edge, and one of the panelists is New York’s own Doug Quint from the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck.
  • Meet and Eat – The Culture and Face of Street Food – one of the panelists is Sean Basinski, Director of The Street Vendor Project, who put on The Vendy Awards.
  • A Cart on Every Corner? Urban Public Space, City Policy and the Informal/Formal Business Model
  • Mobile Vendor Economic Policy

National Street Food Conference in San Francisco! Link and tickets are here: http://www.sfstreetfoodfest.com/2010/?page_id=97