We saw a welcome tweet last week when the Tribeca Taco Truck reappeared on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed after being off the road for a while.  In our opinion, Tribeca Taco Truck has some of the best sauces around – spicy mango, avocado crema and pineapple BBQ sauces are just a few of them.

Yesterday we caught up with them and got the latest news, which includes a significant increase in their street presence over the next month or so.  That’s why they have been off the road for a while – preparation!

First of all, they had a new truck that was larger than the older truck and mainly white, while the older truck was a turquoise color and a little smaller.  So what’s the deal with the two trucks?

They told us the new truck was going to be around Soho for the time being.  Lately it has has been parking on Greene St just north of Spring St, but check their twitter feed or our Mobile Munchies twitter feed to be sure.

The old truck will be parked around the NYU area once they get the parking situation figured out. They want to make sure they don’t infringe on other food vendors around there.

The last bit of news is they will be opening a Tribeca Taco cart in their old spot on Broadway in Soho around Spring St.  That will probably be a month or so down the road.

Chef Percy also shared some of his culinary plans for the future, which sound awesome!

In addition to the current menu (see below), Chef Percy wants to add shrimp, duck, lamb and portobello mushrooms to the menu, along with other toppings such as jicama.

Can you imagine – duck tacos with spicy mango sauce, shrimp tacos with avocado sauce and lamb tacos with picante rojo, a spicy red sauce.  We can’t wait!

We did take the opportunity to sample a few more tacos, and will have another review later today or tomorrow, so make sure to check back.