We have to drive to western MA at 10am, so this is an early Mobile Munchies.  Not everyone has checked in this early, so make sure to check the pink Mobile Munchies twitter feed on our homepage before you head out.

Due to the drive to MA, there will be no Today’s Lunch post today.

schnitzeltruck26th & park? U want regular schnitzification or extreme? Let us know. We prefer xtreme:) it’s nips out there. 347-772-7341 to order. Laters

fritesnmeats – Hi MIDTOWN WEST! Weather sucks! We know u’re hungry 4 Burger Love! 48th st & 6th Ave. Were taking preorders & doing ltd area delivery (5 Burger min). Delivery area is 5 Ave to 7 Ave, 46 St to 52 St. Get some folks tgethr & have a Burger Love party @ work 🙂 917.292.9226

StreetSweetsStreet Sweets is on E.52st just off of Lexington Ave until 3:30 then to off to 9th Av & 59th st from 4p-7p.

waffletruck – Brrr! All the action is DOWNtown with the truck @ Hanover Sq & the Seaport cart. Free dinges for ur hypothetical “next big tabloid headline”

CupcakeStopFind the CupcakeStop truck in Midtown tomorrow, and visit the CupcakeStoppers working at our new location within the Limelight on 6th and 20
biggayicecreamNYC: The best way to spend July 28 will be laughing at @janewiedlin and I as we call numbers together at Porno Bingo. Take note!
EddiesPizzaNY – Just booked our first private events! Keep em coming! Email [email protected] for info

3 new tweets.

TheTacoTruck – The traveling TTT shirt continues its journey to Australia!!! Thank you John Heussy for sending this – they love…

PapaPerrone – We are still having mechanical problems we have the mechanic trying to fix it so we can get in for today we will keep you posted