R.I.P. Rocky (2001-2013)

Rocky on Halloween (Devil Dog, get it)
Rocky on Halloween (Devil Dog, get it)

We didn’t have time to write a review last night because we had to put our dog, Rocky, to sleep. Last night was a difficult evening in our house, to say the least.

We got Rocky as a puppy from North Shore Animal League, who rescued him from a South Carolina pound. This was a month after 9/11 (to which we have a personal connection, as many New Yorkers do), and he helped our family get through some pretty tough times.

Our children, who rarely agreed on anything in the summer of 2001, asked to put their money from a lemonade stand towards a puppy. How can you say no to a request like that?

We went to a few pounds with no luck, and then our search was interrupted by 9/11. About a month later, we went to the Blessing of the Animals at St. John The Divine, and North Shore had an adoption van out front. There we found Rocky as a rambunctious puppy, who shredded all the newspaper in his cage.

Rocky, rest in peace. You will be missed.

Rocky Reindeer
Santa’s lost reindeer eyeing a treat